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In moving towards the realisation of a sustainable society,
the Noritsu Koki Group has identified 4 corporate materialities.


We have set targets and developed a Materiality Action Plan
for achieving our identified material issues.

Materiality Relevant to Our actions Goals
for FY2023
in FY2023
for FY2024
Contribution to society and community through business operations
Shaping the future and making a positive contribution to creating a prosperous society and enriching people`s lives by manufacturing products that society needs
TB・AT・JL Promoting and enhancing quality management Monitor Group response to customers regarding quality issues Monitored Group response to customers regarding quality issues
  • ・Monitor how clients inquiries are responded
  • ・Conduct quality audits
TB・AT・JL Investing in R&D to create new technologies and value R&D investment of ¥4.0 billion Invested ¥3.9 billion in R&D
  • ・R&D investment of \4.1 billion
  • ・Consider setting KPIs
NK・TB・AT・JL Supporting local communities and culture development closely linked to our businesses Supported local communities and cultural development activities closely linked to our businesses Carry out plans of supporting local communities and culture development at each company
Enhancing our supply chain framework to make it more environmentally and socially responsible
TB・AT・JL Delivering environmentally responsible products Make efforts to be environmentally conscious throughout the entire lifecycle of products Made efforts to be environmentally conscious throughout the entire lifecycle of products
  • ・Develop environmentally responsible products considering entire product lifecycles
  • ・Consider setting KPIs (including measuring the amount of plastics used for products)
NK・TB・AT・JL Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1,2,3) Implement a greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan Implemented a greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan
  • ・Calculate Scope3 emissions and consider setting target
  • ・Revise 2030 target (Scope 1,2)
  • ・Reconsider Scope 1,2 reduction plan and execute the plan
  • ・Review TCFD scenario
TB・AT・JL Establishing our supply chain management framework and promoting risk mitigation To inform all our key suppliers about our Procurement Policy
  • ・Informed all our key suppliers about our Procurement Policy
  • ・Carried out human rights risk assessment (tier1 suppliers and end-users)
  • ・Set the Procurement Guideline (making the Procurement Policy in detail)
  • ・Establish a system to confirm supplier compliance of the Procurement Policy and Guideline
  • ・Carry out the human rights due diligence
  • ・Confirm the procurement of conflict minerals and set policy
Establishing a robust corporate foundation
Creating inclusive workplaces where diversity is respected and all employees can thrive and contribute with a future-oriented mindset
NK・TB・AT・JL Securing health and safety at work places Monitor the promotion of health and productivity management and address issues base on the results Monitored the promotion of health and productivity management and identified issues to be addressed
  • ・Monitor occupational safety & health (TB)
  • ・Monitor health management KPIs suitable for each company
  • ・Address issues identified through the monitoring
NK・TB・AT・JL Improving initiatives for developing talent, skills, a proactive mindset and leadership of employees at all levels Provide an average of 22.4 hours of training per employee per year Provided an average of 18hours of training per employee per year (80% achievement to the plan)
  • ・Provide an average of 22.3 hours of training per employee per year
  • ・Develop training programs
NK・TB・AT・JL Respecting diversity and promoting more flexible ways of working
  • ・Monitor the promotion of diverse and flexible ways of working and address issues based on the results
  • ・Provide human rights training more than once a year
  • ・All companies completed the human rights training (100% coverage*1)
  • ・Revised Human Rights Policy
  • ・Carried out human rights risk assessment (Group companies)
  • ・Monitored the promotion of diverse and flexible ways of working and identified issues based
  • ・Provide human rights training more than once a year to employees at all levels
  • ・Monitor KPIs for evaluating flexible working ways suitable for each company
  • ・Address issues identified through the monitoring
Enhancing our sound corporate governance framework to achieve sustainable growth
NK Enhancing Board effectiveness

Promoting stakeholder engagements
Address issues based on the FY2022 assessment results and continue to assess Board effectiveness Addressed issues based on the FY2022 results and continued an assessment of Board effectiveness
  • ・Continue assessing Board effectiveness and addressing issues
  • ・Expand engagement opportunities with shareholders and investors
  • ・Improve information disclosures
NK・TB・AT・JL Enhancing risk management framework and promoting risk mitigation Integrated in #12 due to Materiality Action Plan revision Carried out a risk assessment at each Group company
  • ・Carry out risk assessments, examine and promote measures to address issues
  • ・Review and enhance BCP
NK・TB・AT・JL Fostering ethical corporate culture based on the Code of Conduct

Responding to ESG-related laws and regulations
Provide information security training once a year more Carried out information security training (100% coverage*1)

Carried out compliance training (100% coverage*1)
  • ・Set and review related policies
  • ・Provide related trainings once a year or more to employees at all levels (compliance training, information security training)
  • ・Monitor and respond to ESG-related laws and regulations
  • ・Manage whistle blowing system (hotline)
  1. *1 All executives and employees at NKC, Teibow, AlphaTheta including part-time, temporary staffs and contractors (only permanent employees at soliton, Taibo and JLab, excludes long-term absentees at Teibow)
  • *Company names indicated above are those as of March 2024.
  • *Full names of the abbreviated company names are shown below.
    NK:Noritsu Koki Co., Ltd.
    TB:Teibow Co.,Ltd.
    AT:AlphaTheta Corporation
    JL:PEAG, LLC dba JLab


We have identified our materialities by conducting our materiality assessment based on the
following processes with cross group co-operation and the help of external advisory experts.

Identify potential
social issues
and impacts

Working to incorporate diverse stakeholder expectations, we used 11 different globally-recognised sustainability standards such as ESG disclosure guidelines, evaluation criteria provided by ESG evaluation agencies, and codes of conduct. We performed an analysis on sector-specific material issues and identified 31 potential social issues that impact our business in order to define our materiality.

  • *1 GRI Standards, SASB Standards
  • *2 DJSI (RobecoSAM), FTSE, MSCI
  • *3 SDGs, ISO26000, Ten Principles of the UNGC, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  • *4 World Economic Forum(WEF)“Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism”, “Resolving Societal Issues Through Innovation — Listings of Societal Issues” FOR CO-CREATING THE FUTURE
Assess and
prioritise material

The 31 social issues selected in Step 1 were evaluated and weighted using a scoring method, incorporating the views of stakeholders and Group businesses, and prioritised according to the following criteria.

  • 1) Stakeholder Input: assessment based on the relative interests and importance of stakeholders by external advisory experts and scholars.
  • 2) Business Impact and Values: reassessing the evaluation scores provided by our 4 major group businesses based on the business impact and values of the Noritsu Koki Group.

As a result, we identified 15 social issues that matter the most to our business and stakeholders.

Define materiality

The 15 potential social topics selected in Step 2 were clustered into groups on the basis of our MVV and business model. We refined a list of core corporate material issues that could highly affect our business.
Having had insightful feedback from external advisory experts and far-reaching discussions with senior management including our CEO, we integrated them into 4 significant material topics that need to be addressed and worked on as a group.

Determine and
disclose the

We designed a materiality matrix and validated the credibility of the identified 4 material issues. Approved by the Board of Directors, we finally defined them as the Noritsu Koki Group’s materialities.



We designed the materiality matrix using “Priority for stakeholders” and “Priority for business”.
We selected topics with high scores (i.e. indicating the level of priority) for the social issues that our Group needs to address.